Real Name: David Alan Frost
Alias: Frost, Dave
Alignment: Scrupulous
Hit Points: 137, S.D.C.: 504, M.D.C.:
Weight: 260 lbs.
Height: 6' 2"
Age: 39
I.Q.25, M.E.25, M.A.20, P.S.61, P.P.36, P.E.49, P.B.28, Spd.59/71(Swimming)
Disposition: Chivalrous, Altruist, Teetotaler, Diplomatic, Even-tempered, Creative, a true
Leader, Driven for justice, can seem cold & unemotional
Experience Level: 15th Level Special Forces (Modified)/Mega-Mutant
Combat Skills: Commando
Attacks Per Melee: 7
Bonuses: (This includes PS, PP bonuses) Damage: +50, Strike:
+ 12, Parry: +16, Dodge: +16, Roll with Punches/Fall/Impact: +12, Initiative: + 5, Disarm: +1, Pull Punches: +6, Automatic
Dodge: +3, Paired Weapons, Body Flip/Throw, Backward Sweep Kick, Automatic Body Flip/Throw, Karate Kick, Jump Kick, Critical
Body Flip/Throw, Death Blow: Natural 18-20, Critical Strike: Natural 17-20
Other Bonuses: V. Horror factor
Super Power Category: Mutant
Major Super Abilities:
Mutant Traits: Stocky
Education Level: B.S. in Electrical Engineer
Bonus: +11%
O.C.C. Skills: Math: Basic, Radio: Basic, Radio: Scrambler, Lang./Lit.:
English (American Midwest Dialect), Lang./Lit.: French, Land Navigation, Intelligence, Streetwise, Lore: Demons
& Monsters, Pilot: Automobile, Pilot: Truck, Pilot: Robots & Power Armor, Pilot: Robot Combat: Elite
SAMAS (SF), Wilderness Survival, Climbing,Prowl, Running/Jogging, Boxing, WP: Energy Pistol, WP: Energy Rifle, WP: Automatic
Pistol, WP: Archery & Targeting (98%, 15th)
M.O.S. Skills: Parachuting, Military Fortification,
Trap Construction, Trap/Mine Detection (98%, 15th)
O.C.C. Related Skills: Demolitions, Demolitions Disposal (98%,15th), Anthropology (85%), Math:
Advanced (98%, 11th), Chemistry (76%), Chemistry: Analytical (71%, 7th), Pick Locks, Locksmith (51%, 3rd)
Skills: Swimming, S.C.U.B.A., Computer Operations, Computer Programming (98%, 15th), Robot Electronics,
Robot Mechanics (98%, 12th), Paramedics (91%), Field Surgery (59%, 8th), Camouflage (51%), Armorer (field) (71%, 4th), Horsemanship:
Cowboy (80%/64%), Horsemanship: Exotic Animals (46%/36%, 1st)
Old Earth Special Forces Skills: Electronic Countermeasures (ECM), Computer Hacking, Nuclear/Biological/Chemical
Warfare, Detect Ambush, Detect Concealment, Interrogation Techniques, Sniper, WP: Blunt, WP: Chain, WP: Knife, WP: Automatic
& Semi-automatic Rifles, WP: Bolt-Action Rifle, WP: Sub-Machinegun, WP: Heavy Weapons, WP: Heavy Energy
Weapons (98%, 15th)
Extra Skills: Bicycling, Kayaking, Pilot: Water Scooters, Pilot: Water Skiing & Surfing,
Pilot: Military Vehicles, Pilot: Motorcycle, Baseball: Pitcher, Advanced Swimming (ATB), Leadership (ATB)
(98%, 15th), Blending (85%, 15th), Tactics (76%, 15th), Outback Combat Driving, Bodybuilding, Gymnastics, Wrestling Atheletics,
Ballet, Body Sculpting, Sprinting, Track & Field, Cross-Country Running, Marathon Running, Physical Labor (15th)
Appearance: Attractive &
impressive looking adult human male with white-blonde hair and light blue eyes
Weapons, Vehicles, & Equipment:
Body Armor: